I think of myself as a good person, my family raised me into being a polite and humble person, a good friend and listening person with good empathy. I don't know why I also think that from the outside people think that I am bad influence - subject that I explored here and is really about me being paranoid.
Reasons why I am a good person:
-I'll drop everything and jeopardize my own success if you need me.
-I'll never be mean to you and even give you a second chance if you take shitty blog pictures.
-I'll put myself in uncomfortable situations for your personal comfort.
-I never ask for recognition even when I deserve it.
-I avoid frontal confrontation (until the very fucking last drop).
-I try very hard to save the planet and the people living on it - yes, I'm Clark Kent.
These were also the reasons I struggle a lot in life.
Pictures: missenocha
Armelle De Oliveira
I’ve been loving clothing with small sayings. Your “Bad Influence” hoodie is really cool and I like how you styled it all streetwear. Also, the checkered steps are so neat!