I'm an edgy fashion expert, music lover, tv show binge-watcher, globe trotter, Anglo-Saxon culture addict, movie fan, environmentally-aware vegetarian, ardent feminist and wannabe Gryffindor's heir. On this blog, I share my personal looks, wishlists and inspiration boards, music playlists, lifestyle posts, natural hair tips, make-up hacks and opinions on issues ranging from racism, feminism and ecology.
Black Beauty Radar
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Ecology has always been important to me, I grew up in an environmentally aware family. I became a vegetarian in 2013 first because the industry has gone so crazy, I can't trust what's in my plate anymore; second because I couldn't be a part of mass animal slaughter and support such a polluting industry and finally because I do believe that boycott is a wonderful weapon.
I stopped using chemical products on my hair back in 2012, because it harmed it big time and I had better results with homemade and organic products. I also no longer feel guilty when I watch water going down the drain while taking a shower because I know the products I use are not harming the water tables.
My journey to improve my health and the health of the planet has now taking me to a point where I pledge that from now on I will only buy cosmetics that are vegan, cruelty free and organic.
However, I am not throwing away all the make-up I still have, I'll keep using it until everything is gone.
All my partnerships, paid or not, as marked as such in my posts.
I only accept partnerships, paid or not, that go along with my personal beliefs and interest myself as well as my audience.
Where do you live ? : London; but I go back home in Paris quite often.
How tall are you ? : 185cm. Don't know the height in inches. Just know that I'm taller than anyone you know.
What's you heritage ? : I'am French. My father is French. His father is French from Spanish and Portuguese ancestry. His mother is French from Burgundy. My mother Congolese.
When did you start blogging ? : I can't remember when I was not blogging. I had one too many blogs when I was a teen. Then I was on MySpace. Then Facebook. But I created this blog in 2010. I was ending high school and needed a fresh start. It was just some sort of non-regular diary until 2015 when I really put more effort into it.
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- Trials and tribulation of a young woman born and raised in Paris. Welcome to the diary of an adulescent sensitive to the Y generation culture, edgy fashion expert, music lover, tv shows binge watcher, globe trotter, Anglo-Saxon culture addict, movie fan, environmentally aware vegetarian, strong feminist and wannabe Gryffindor's heir.
Le temps passe si vite... Cela fait aujourd'hui 9 ans que la chaîne de télévision anglaise E4 a diffusé le tout premier épisode de la...
So my dream finally became real and I booked a last minute trip to Istanbul ! It was just for a few days, pretty much unplanned, all I wan...
L'été dernier j'avais lu quelque part qu'il y aurait une exposition sur Michael Jackson à la National Portrait Gallery à Londr...
We can't have a proper Christmas season without having Mariah Carey on our thoughts. And these past few months, I couldn't he...
Avec Jaël et Amelia on a profité d'une journée chaude d'été pour prendre le train en gare de Victoria direction Margate . Amelia ...
It's a fact. Thanks to my childhood years watching Fran Drescher 's " The Nanny " on TV, I since then associate leopard pr...
Ouh là... Ce silence assourdissant sur ce blog en dit long sur mon état d'esprit ! Plus vraiment le temps, plus vraiment l'envie. ...
Depuis que j'ai écrit cet article sur la polémique autour de la coiffure de Zendaya Coleman aux Oscars , je dois dire que sa coiffur...
Last week I served as a head pratice for a wannabe hair-dresser . She wanted to braid a full head with yarn . After Googling the concept, I...
I was travelling when we changed seasons so here's my delayed playlist of the tracks I played most this winter: G-Eazy - Pick Me Up ...
You have an amazing bloooog!!!!! I love your swag and personality. Not to mention cheers to the multiple languages you speak! I'll be stopping by often.